Product Image Product Name SKU Product Short Description
Nitric Acid 68% RXSOL-20-1106-060

Pasivation Grade Improve the corrosion resistance of parts made from austenitic, ferritic and mar

Cold Washer HD RXSOL-20-2003-025

Cold clean wash specialized degreaser and tank cleaner which is safe for common tank metal and ep

Aqua Clean HD 20 Ltr RXSOL-20-3018-020

Specially formulated for cargo hold cleaning operations after discharge of oily cargoes carried a

TPOL Heavy Duty RXSOL-20-T300-210

Multi - prupose cleaner for residential, commercial and industrial cleaning processes.

Shoes Covers (1 Box=100pcs) RXSOL-21-2107-050

Shoes Covers (1 box=100pcs)

White Spirit RXSOL-20-2105-210

These solvents are practically insoluble in water, but miscible in most organic solvents.And this

Methanol Tech Grade 25 Ltr RXSOL-20-2103-025

Purified Methanol treated with SILVER NITRATE to make chlorie FREE.

B Solve Tank Cleaner & Degreaser RXSOL-19-1204-210

Due to its equal balance of hydrophobic and hydrophilic characteristic , this product is highly s

Passivation Liquid RX RXSOL-20-2401-210

RXSOL PASSIVATION is highly conc and acidic product , It does not give Black or Yellow stain mar

Universal Wash 25 Ltr RXSOL-20-3004-025

Multi purpose cleaner with High Foaming cleaning action liquid detergent with good foaming qualit

Emulsion Sludge Breaker RXSOL-20-2006-210

Unique feature that dissociates slop to seperate oil and water.

Alt, Alt
Cautic Soda Flakes RXSOL-20-2022-050

Pure and free from others metal impurities this can be used as an industrial cleaner

Dechlorination Soln De Hypo 210 Ltr RXSOL-20-2021-210

For removal of odors, Colour from surface area.

Tank Degresol A Heavy Duty 20 Ltr RXSOL-20-2029-020

It's high emulsification formula easily react with residue / sludge deposits