Strontium sulfate was used occasionally as a white artist pigment in England in the early 19th century. It was soon replaced by Barium sulfate. Currently strontium sulfate is used as a red colorant in pyrotechnics, ceramics, and Glass.
anhydrous sodium sulfate is widely used as an inert drying agent, for removing traces of water from organic solutions. It is more efficient, but slower-acting, than the similar agent magnesium sulfate.
Popular drying agents are inorganic sodium anhydrous salts that, when exposed to moist air or a wet solution, gain water from hydration. When the common agents like sodium sulfate anhydrous and magnesium sulfate absorb water particles they form into larger clumps.
Sodium sulfate is a base and is used to remove bases from the organic layer Sodium sulfate is a drying agent used to remove traces of water from the organic layer Sodium sulfate is an acid and is used to remove acids from the organic layer You.