Fast and effective scale remover which removes scale and rust from condensers, evaporators, heat exchangers,Rediator, boilers etc. RXSOL-16-1008-210 , Descaling Liquid is a liquid acid containing descaling accelerators, corrosion-inhibitors and wetting agents.
Fast and effective scale remover which removes scale and rust from condensers, evaporators, heat exchangers,Rediator, boilers etc. RXSOL-16-1008-210 , Descaling Liquid is a liquid mixture of descaling accelerators, corrosion-inhibitors and wetting agents.
Uniqueness of 1008 :: --
RXSOL 1008 Descaler has the ability to dissolve approximately 1.5kg of calcium carbonate scale per gallon in concentrated form. It does not need to be heated up during cleaning. The uniqueness of this Descaler allows you to clean some equipment while still in operation utilizing a minimum of your own personnel.
Features, Benefits and Applications
Removes water scale from boilers.
RXSOL brand descaler is one of POPULAR brand in INDIA and Middle East. We are One of Largest Descaler manufacturer, Exporter and supplier.
The most effective RXSOL-16-1008-210, Descaling Liquid is accomplished by circulation for large systems or components. In the case of small components, the soak method in an immersion bath can be used.
If the equipment to be cleaned is contaminated by oil, grease, sludge or carbonised oil, then pre-cleaning with RXSOL-20-2002-025 ( ) is necessary.
RXSOL-16-1008-210 should alway be used in plastic bucket. RXSOL-16-1008-210 should always be added in , never add water in RXSOL-16-1008-210.
RXSOL-16-1008-210 dilute with fresh water as 5-30%, solution depending on scale.
After using RXSOL-16-1008-210 rinse all metal surfaces at least one time with a 0.5% solution of RXSOL-20-2005-025 ( ) in fresh water. This solution should be circulated for 2-4 hours or until pH value comes 6-7. This will neutralize any remaining acid and passivate steel surfaces.
Pale yellow or Brown Liquid
Density, in g/cm3 at 15°C:
Flash Point, (PMCC) in °C:
pH, in conc:
< 1.5
Contains corrosion inhibitors.
No known effect.
Synthetic rubber:
May swell.
Product no:
Size (in litres):
Why Use RXSOL Descaler?
Your equipment will be cleaned in only hours without disassembling any part of the equipment. Equipment can also be cleaned without any down time (cleaning on the run).