Fab-Cond is a multi-utility fabric conditioner. It can be used for all fabrics like silk, linen, woolen, cotton, khadi, and others
Fabrics & Laundry Conditioner manufacturer and supplier in Mumbai, Kandla, Chennai, Vizag, Kolkata, Dubai, Middle East.
IMPA: 550124
Other Name : LAUNDRY STARCH Eqv.
HOW Will FAB -COND benefit your clothes ?
1.Fab-Cond is a multi-utility fabric conditioner. It can be used for all fabrics like silk, linen, woolen, cotton, khadi, and others.
2.Fab-Cond penetrates into the threads of the fabric. Therefore it gives extra shine to the outer and inner side of the fabric.
3.Fab-Cond does not adhere to the surface of the cloth. Therefore you will feel comfortable carrying Fab-Cond on your clothes with you.
4.Fab-Cond retains the brightness and enhances the color value of the fabric.
5.Fab-Cond effect remains on the fabric for multiple washes.
6.Fab-Cond retains creasing on the clothes; therefore you look good every time.
7.Fab-Cond is packed in a new-age packaging in order to sustain all kind of climates.
8.Fab-Cond does not contain starch. Therefore it gives only the required stiffness to the fabric.
9.Fab-Cond does not have any side-effect on the fabric as it does not contain any harmful chemicals. It is eco-friendly.
10.Fab-Cond is a valued product as it retains the quality of your cloth at minimum cost.
GENERAL Directions for use after wash:
Difference :::
Properties of FAB-COND
Properties of Starch
Fab-Cond is a multiutility stiffner.
Starch is useful mainly for cotton fabrics.
Fab-Cond penetrates into threads of fabric allowing air to pass through pores giving luster on inner and outer surface of clothing.
Starch forms layer on outer surface of the cloth & hence a person wearing this cloth feels uncomfortable.
Brightness and colour value is enhanced.
No brightness is visible.
Once applied remains for atleast 2-3 washes
Effects doesn't last once cloth is washed.
As it lasts for 2-3 washes it is cost effective.
Not cost efficient .
Raw material used for manufacture is eco-friendly.
Not eco-friendly.
When used on clothes patches are not visible.
When used on clothes patches are visible.
When used on two or more clothes they do not tend to stick to each other.
When used for two or more clothes they tend to stick harming the lustre of cloth.
Value for money as it takes good care by enhancing the life of Cloth.
Starched clothes become brittle and tare easily.