Luxol Fast Blue Stain Kit (Myelin Stain) ab150675 is designed for staining myelin/myelinated axons and Nissl bodies on formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue as well as frozen tissue. This product is used for identifying the basic neuronal structure in brain or spinal cord sections.
Luxol fadt blue stain (LFB) is used to visualize myelin in nerve tissue. Thanks to this staining, it is possible to visualize the myelin and the fatty substance of the brain called white matter which includes the axons of the nerve cells. The LFB coloration thus makes it possible to differentiate the white matter from the gray matter.
Luxol fast blue is a copper phthalocyanine dye that is soluble in alcohol and is attracted to bases found in the lipoproteins of the myelin sheath. Under the stain, myelin fibers appear blue, neuropil appears pink, and nerve cells appear purple.