high performance non-oxidising micro-biocide that uses the latest chemical technologies for the rapid and effective treatment of cooling water systems.
Effective controller of MICRO BIOCIDE and BACTERIA from condensor WATER system.
RXSOL-40-4009-210 is a high performance non-oxidising micro-biocide that uses the latest chemical technologies for the rapid and effective treatment of cooling water systems.RXSOL-40-4009-210 is a rapid acting micro-biocide developed for use in cooling water systems and is effective against Legionella bacteria, SRB’s, algi and fungi.RXSOL-40-4009-210 will also penetrate and disperse biofilm slimes making it an ideal cooling water treatment. RXSOL-40-4009-210 has an excellent environmental profile and is readily biodegradable.
RXSOL-40-4009-210 is an organic chlorine releasing microbiocide which will effectively control the growth of algal slimes on cooling Water distribution decks, fill, and basins. This product is recommended for use in industrial process cooling towers, air conditioning cooling systems, and evaporative condensers. It is particularly recommended for use in systems where algae growth is especially difficult to control.
RXSOL-40-4009-210 should be dosed periodically at a rate of 75 - 150 ppm of the total system volume. In a badly fouled system an initial dosage rate of up to 250m1/m3 may be required which can be reduced once control is gained.In order to comply with Health & Safety recommendations RXSOL-40-4009-210 should be alternated with another non-oxidising or oxidizing biocide. It is always advisable to carry out a 'Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health' (COSHH) assessment before use.
Product Benefits