VANILLIN FOR SYNTHESIS LR supplier in Khartoum Sudan, Juba, Nzara, South Sudan, Safola, Suba, Al Gabaa, Omdurman Alshabi

on 14 Nov 2022 2:38 PM
Product Short Description: VANILLIN FOR SYNTHESIS LR Product Description: It is used in flavorings, foods, perfumes, and pharmaceuticals. Vanillin is used as a chemical intermediate in the manufacture of several important drugs and other products. Product Application: Production of vanillin from guaiacol is synthesized through electrophilic aromation substitution on reaction with glycoxylic acid; which results in synthesis of vanillylmandelic acid which is then converted 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylglyoxylic acid and vanillin by oxidative decarboxylation