Potassium Chromate Indicator for Silver - Chloride Titrations. Chemical Manufacturer of Specialty Bulk Inorganic Chemicals, Reagents and Fine Organic Chemicals for Process Chemistry
Potassium Chromate Indicator for Silver - Chloride Titrations. Chemical Manufacturer of Specialty Bulk Inorganic Chemicals, Reagents and Fine Organic Chemicals for Process Chemistry. Also refer this link http://rxmarine.com/silver-nitrate
Common laboratory chemical
Potassium chromate is strong oxidant.
Suitability for chloride determination
Indicator for volumetric chloride determination.
Place 10 drops of sample water in a test tube and add 1 drop of 5% potassium chromate (K2CrO4) solution as indicator. Add dropwise 2.9% silver nitrate with the same dropper until a permanent and distinct colour change to a red brown colour occurs.
Potassium Chromate, 5% (w/v) Aqueous Solution; Chloride free 500mL; Poly bottle; Indicator for argentometric titrations
CAS 7732-18-5,7789-00-6,7761-88-8
Unlike the less expensive sodium salt, potassium salt is mainly used for laboratory work in situations where an anhydrous salt is required. It is as an oxidizing agent in organic synthesis. It is used as in qualitative inorganic analysis, e.g. as a colorimetric test for silver ion. It is also used as an indicator in precipitation titrations with silver nitrate and sodium chloride (they can be used as standard as well as titrant for each other) as potassium chromate turns red in the presence of excess of silver ions.